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Christmas Blessings 2021


Dear friends of In The Light Ministry,


     With another full turn around the sun we find ourselves again in the Christmas season. This year has been difficult and challenging, but we are looking forward to the joys of our Christmas celebrations. A traditional Christmas in Kenya includes a big family meal and new shoes and clothes for the children. For the orphans, this can be a very difficult and lonely day. They think the tradition of new clothes and fun family outings isn’t possible for them. Please help us show these children that God’s family, we as brothers and sisters in Christ, love and care for them with a Christmas Blessing. For a gift of $35 an orphan will receive a new pair of pants or skirt and a new shirt or blouse. Your donation will also help provide a traditional Christmas meal. All donations large or small work together to help show the children that the family of God loves and cares for them. Please join us in giving these orphans a Christmas Blessing.


     This has been a very tough situation globally but the difficulties the orphans face are greater than ever. They have been in and out of school in the past year and many are now a full year behind in their studies. They simply don’t have the option to go to school online. Food and firewood shortages and price hikes have made it very challenging for the orphanages to provide food and warmth for them. They have no security and no stability. I honestly struggle to fully comprehend how hard and frightening their lives really are right now. As I sit here in my warm house, with running water, electricity and a refrigerator full of food it is hard to relate and truly understand their needs. To be loved and have a home are fundamental needs for everyone. Please consider a donation to help the children today.

     As we come to the end of this year, we have an opportunity to bless the orphans now in the current Christmas season, and look ahead to the goals for the coming year. These are very personal projects to all of our board members, many who have traveled or live in Kenya and spent time with these wonderful children. We pray you will take these children into your heart and help. Please go to our website, today and give a generous donation or you can mail a check to the address below. As a small 501c3 non-profit organization, all of your gift goes directly to the children. There are no administration or processing fees and your donation is tax deductible. Thank you so very much for your support and for loving and praying for orphans. With your help, we are determined to help spread God’s light even through these challenging days!


We wish you a very Merry and Blessed Christmas!

In The Light Ministry Board of Directors, Sue Kantz, Cheryl Bradbury, Abby Helmick, Mara Benson and Pauline Ngigi


“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” Matthew 25:40



Food, Clothing and School Supply Needs


​As you can see ITL is doing a great deal of work at Kenduiwo Orphanage.  An on going project is the need for food, clothing and school supplies.  On our last several trips we have had the opportunity to purchase supplies locally ourselves and deliver them to the children.  What a blessing to see their excited faces and to praise God together for his many blessings!


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